Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bush's final revenge on the world

Bush has raided this country together with many people who have no soul and no conscience. The final act of the current "lame duck" is unfolding right before our very eyes. To make sure that the new President Barack Obama definitely does not have a dime left to do anything to save our country and also to give the ones who did not profit enough from the illegal occupation of Iraq some undeserved Billions of dollars as well.

And today Bush's financial zombies not only rape and raid our country financially with the 700 Billion Dollar so called bailout that is going the same way that the money for the IRAQ war went - into the pockets of Bush's friends, they also try to punish the people who co-financed the Loose Change documentary. The reason is to get revenge on the people who are smarter than the average American and who told the truth about our Government Terrorists. You can find out more about this revenge actions by clicking
here. And please be aware that I don't say that there was no wrong doing, I am just surprised that the financial forces go after the little people while the Government under Bush's fellow criminals is taking the last pennies from the American taxpayer without any interference from anyone to line the pockets of the same people who caused the worldwide financial crisis.

The filmmakers and scientists who worked on and wrote the documentary Loose Change 911 are some of the smartest and internationally recognized scientists and thinkers our country has. Other than our never elected so called President Bush. To quote the great George Carlin: "I call him Governor, because that was the last office that he was elected to." And now Bush's own financial GESTAPO is trying to hunt down the people who have been telling the truth about 9-11 for years. The whole world is aware that 9-11 was an inside job because there was no other way to pull it off. The only ones naive enough to believe what Bush's servants tell us about this attack are we, the Americans. The rest of the world knows there was Evolution, that there is the law of Gravity and other scientific facts. We are the only nation naive enough to take what the right wing fascist churches and the people behind Bush have been dishing out to us. Here another article from our friends at to show you how our money will disappear before the new President takes office.

Warning: King Henry's bailout like Rummy's IraqNovember 10, 2008, MarketWatch (A Wall Street Journal Digital Network Website)
So you thought Barack Obama's victory signaled the death of Reaganomics? Wrong, wrong: Reaganomics is very much alive. In a subtle, bloodless coup, the Reaganomics ideology magically pulled victory out of the jaws of defeat in the meltdown. The magic happened fast and quietly, in the shadows, while you were in a trance, distracted by the election drama. Recently Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, framed the issue perfectly: "Has the Treasury partially nationalized the private banks, as we have been told? Or is it the other way around?" The question was rhetorical, the answer painfully clear. In a few weeks Wall Street did the old bait and switch, emerging from an economic and market disaster with new powers, in total control of America. And thanks to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's brilliant bailout coup, Reaganomics is now the new "sleeper cell" quietly hidden inside the Obama White House and America's Treasury, where it will be for a long time to come. Listen closely folks: You and your government are and will continue being conned out of trillions. Klein further exposed this insanity in a recent Rolling Stone article, "The New Trough: The Wall Street bailout looks a lot like Iraq, a 'free-fraud zone' where private contractors cash in on the mess they helped create." Paulson's privatization, outsourcing and management of the $700 billion bailout has the exact same Reaganomics ideological, strategic and deceptive footprints that President George W. Bush and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld used to privatize, outsource and mismanage the costly Iraq War blunder.

Note: For the powerfully revealing article by Naomi Klein mentioned in the article above, click here. For many key articles revealing the hidden realities of the bailout, click here.

And to find out about the man the Republicans called "a Muslim", here a link and a short article about our President elect Barack Obama:

Obama: I have a deep faith April 5, 2004, Chicago Sun-Times,obamafalsani040504.article
Barack Obama is alone on this Saturday afternoon in the city, his press secretary nowhere in sight. He's not carrying anything with him. Not even notes. Yet he appears confident as he answers questions about his spiritual life, a subject that would make many politicians -- on or off the campaign trail -- more skittish than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. If an hourlong conversation about his faith unnerves him, Obama's not letting on. The first question he fields without hesitation: What does he believe? "I am a Christian," the 42-year-old ... says. "So, I have a deep faith," Obama continues. "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people. That there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and there's an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived." It's perhaps an unlikely theological position for someone who places his faith squarely at the feet of Jesus to take, saying essentially that all people of faith -- Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone -- know the same God. That depends, Obama says, on how a particular verse from the Gospel of John, where Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me," is heard. "Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion," he says. "I am a big believer in the separation of church and state. I am a big believer in our constitutional structure."

Note: For those who want to understand the spiritual beliefs of Barack Obama, the full article at the link above is highly recommended. Even better, for the powerful transcript of this interview between the religion columnist of the Sun-Times and Obama, click here.

And again, I am very thankful to our friends at to give us PROVEN facts about the things happening behind the scenes and the smokescreens of the Bush administration.

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