Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Infamous Bill HR1955 threatens America!

HR 1955 or the “Thought Crimes Bill”, as it is widely called, passed the House in October 2007 with no discussion, and no mention in the main stream press. It is essentially a suspension of your First Amendment rights, the right to free speech, what I am doing right here and right now. Having read my Orwell, I am fully aware that it is almost 1984 – in some instances way past 1984 - and - well, it is just one more casualty on account of our Government’s way to finally abolish the rest of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and all amendments. This then useless piece of Antique paper – formerly called the Constitution - will be substituted by Martial Law, Plundering, Yellow Stars which will have to be worn by Muslims and random executions of Citizens held by the National Republican's Guard on orders of the President of the National Republican Democrats Party.
Many people are calling this infamous Bill the “thought crime bill”, and with good reason. This bill will criminalize dissent, and specifically targets the internet as the primary method of dissemination of such dissent. It will create a commission to study blogs that question government policy – and currently there are hardly any other blogs. Any comments that could be of violent nature such as: “The punishment for High Treason is death”. Especially now that the Bush crime family has been committing several acts of treason, among them the outing of a CIA agent, criticism can only be an act of Terrorism. Any action or thought which criticizes any Government action and asks for an action according to our former Constitution is an act of violence or as Bush calls it “Enemy combatant”. Or the simple version: Who ever is not with us is against us. Like Hitler did it. Not as subtle as he did it, but still. If you are interested to read the Bill HR 1955,
please click here.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Some Democrats are seemingly trying to change the course

And here some voices from Democrats that I support. I hope they are sincere in their mission to stop the senseless killing and dying in an illegal occupation and a civil war which was actually caused by the ignorance of the US leadership. After thoughtfully committing High Treason in outing the CIA agents who could have provided the intelligence that so obviously lacking in the entire leadership of our country, including House and Senate. While drowning in fear they also threaten to abolish the last civil right that was left. Free Speech. Let's see how our US will try to avoid comparisons with Nazi Germany. Good Luck and Good Night. Here the Democrat's voices that are seemingly in the minority:

Stop $70B More for Iraq: Shut Down Congress' Phones
Submitted by Bob Fertik on December 10, 2007 - 3:49pm.
Once again our Democratic "leaders" are betraying our troops by keeping them in Iraq forever to be murdered or maimed for no reason except the insatiable greed of Bush-Cheney's oil cronies.

On Tuesday, House Democrats plan to approve $30 billion more for Afghanistan. Then Senate Democrats plan to approve $70 billion to cover Iraq as well. Then House Democrats plan to approve the full $70 billion.

Why are our Democratic "leaders" betraying us? Because they want Bush to sign - not veto - the $522 billion omnibus spending bill to fund the government this year. We have no Democratic "leaders" - we have utterly incompetent negotiators who lose 100% of their battles, no matter how much public support they have.

Our Democrats in Congress clearly do not care about the voters who elect them, whether Democrats or Independents, virtually all of whom want them to end the disastrous occupation of Iraq now. Our Democrats in Congress do not care about the troops fighting in Iraq and their families, who oppose the occupation even more than the rest of us, by 69% to 64%. The only support for the occupation of Iraq comes from hard-core Bush Republican voters who never vote for Democrats.

Who do Democrats in Congress actually care about? The donors who fund them - period. So call your Representatives and Senators with a simple message: Not one more penny for Iraq - or not one more penny for your campaign. If you have ever contributed to your Representatives or Senators or to any Democratic committee, be sure to tell them how much you will not give them.
Let's all call Monday and Tuesday (between 9-5 ET) and shut down the Congressional phone system . Call your Representatives directly: call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 Or call toll-free: 800-828-0498 - 800-614 2803 - 866-340 9281

And join the Democratic Donor Strike against the DCCC and DSCC

More from our friends at United For Peace and Justice:
Gather some friends together and pay a visit to one or more of your legislators. Stop by during lunch if that is convenient. Emphatically demand an end to the occupation. Your peaceful visit can be brief, or last long enough for your to read the names of every civilian and soldier killed in Iraq, or it can last until the member of Congress agrees to oppose all funding that is not tied to the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops and contractors.

If you are able to organize a visit, post notice of the visit here:
Otherwise click to see if someone in your area has already organized a visit - enter your zip code and increase the search miles to find a protest near you.

I could not agree more and strongly support the effort! Is there really just one party? The Money Party?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Senator Dianne Feinstein against Impeaching Bush and Cheney

When I answered several surveys of the Democratic Party two days ago, I wrote my comments about each subject they asked me to comment on from Impeachment of the leading criminals of this country to the illegal occupation of Iraq and the failed attack on Iran. And I wrote my opinion as always based on GOD's word, HIS commandments and following HIS voice in my heart. For those who already know my style it won't come as a surprise that I was abundantly clear in my answers to these surveys.

At least the Democratic Party has figured out that I fall under the column "progressive" and then some. So now I get the so called "activist" mails instead of the senseless answers I have received in the past when I wrote to an elected official, which did not even have anything to do with the subject I was writing about.

At least now someone makes sure that the prefabricated answers are related to the subject and actually address my concerns. The following letter came as an answer to my request to impeach Cheney and Bush. I agree with my favorite Talk Show hosts
Thom Hartmann and Randi Rhodes on Air America Radio (you can listen online. Just click on listen!) that there is something very strange about a Democrat who refuses to hold this administration accountable for their crimes.

Strange is also that the Democrats did not even attempt to fulfill the request of the voters who brought them back into power to stop the illegal occupation of Iraq, they did not reinstate our Constitution, Habeas Corpus is not even on the table, and now they want to let the criminals who shredded our constitution go free? Obviously. But why? Please read Senator Feinstein's argumentation and think about it. Why would someone let those criminals go free. Either you are involved in the crime or on a blackmail list or - what else is there?

Dear Dr. Hast:

Thank you for your letter concerning impeachment proceedings against President Bush. I appreciate the time you took to write and welcome the opportunity to respond.

In our recent elections, the American people expressed clear disapproval with the path this country was on. They are tired of partisan politics and of an Administration that pays little heed to the wishes of the American people. They want-and deserve-a Congress that holds the Administration accountable and fulfills its Constitutional responsibility to check and balance the Executive. I share this sentiment and am determined to work hard and across party lines in the United States Senate to promote issues that are of real concern to most Americans, including the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, homeland security, global warming, and lobbying and election reform.

At this time, however, I believe that impeachment proceedings against President Bush will only divide the country even further, frustrating our hopes for a meaningful change in direction, while having little chance of success.

I have been deeply disappointed by many of this Administration's actions and have been outspoken in those instances. Nevertheless, given the challenges our country faces I believe that we need to focus on constructive and cooperative steps that would lead us in the right direction.

Again, thank you for your continued correspondence. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact my office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Dear Senator Feinstein,
I strongly disagree. First we have to clean house before we can move on. America does not want to see the people go free who wasted Billions on a war and illegal occupation - in no way to related to 9-11, if I may remind you - just to benefit huge Corporations, literally gave our nation the finger and are allied with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They have shredded our Constitution, promote Torture, killed thousand of Americans for their Oil business and committed more crimes than I have room to mention here.

Please don't forget that Nixon resigned over a few bugs and recordings of his perceived enemies - while we - all of America - are currently being illegally wiretapped on an ongoing basis and that President Clinton had to endure impeachment proceedings for lying about a blowjob, not for killing thousands of Americans, and constantly breaking the law.

End the occupation, reinstate the constitution and bring the criminals to justice.

Oh, and by the way: I just saw a FEMA sign on TV and everybody there was very happy with their performance: In Malibu, California. Congratulations. New Orleans is still in shambles, but all we have to do is "follow the money"...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Iran told the truth - Bush, Cheney and Rice lied to us and to the world!

Iran has no nuclear weapons program. The news channels finally reported this for George W. Bush inconvenient fact that has been known since the year 2003 and that revealed the US Government again as a bunch of warmongering liars.

If it would not be business as usual, the fact that Bush tried to start another illegal war would be an outrage. Just like the Bush crime family lied their way into the illegal occupation of Iraq, they tried to follow up the same way with Iran. Today they had their Spokesmodels on the US TV-Channels spread the lie that bad intelligence almost fooled them like it fooled them in attacking Iraq. What the News Bimbos and Himbos on the fake news from FOX, ABC, NBC and CBS don't tell the public - probably because the Republicans removed the last real journalist from television - is, that the Bush crime family had the so called "evidence" produced just for the reason to start the illegal war and a few days later the illegal occupation of Iraq.

Now they thought they needed to start a
new war, just to keep the weapon industry and the contractors that made Billions of illegal Dollars on this charade happy. Not to forget the Oil industry which is largely owned by the Bush administration. They really took care of their own. They tripled the gas prices. Congratulations. They probably won't commit suicide like Hitler did, after he attacked innocent countries, started wars and betrayed his people. They will most likely live very comfortably on their billions of Dollars of Blood money. Just watching these liars on TV makes me sick to my stomach. History will decide. But we have been royally screwed as of today. We treat liars, thieves and murders as Presidents and let them keep on governing us. Where is the outcry? GOD's commandments and the US constitution does not apply for the Christians in our US of A? Where is the American Spirit that has been admired all over the world until we turned our country into an Empire of crime?

Let's hope that the Democrats will finally grow a spine and bring the criminals who raped our USA and a completely innocent country like Iraq to justice. And no, none of these countries had anything to do with 9-11. This was a fabrication of the Bush-Bin Laden connection. Please read. Then you will understand what really happened. May I recommend this column here and this link to our
Current Information where you will find lots of facts - the stuff our Government hates.

I am sure that if you read what I wrote about these subjects and compare it with the so called "intelligence" that "just" came to light you might be surprised. How do I know all these things long before our Government admits to them? Everything is so clear and laid out. And looking at the evidence, it all makes sense. WE have been insulting the Arab world (except the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates, where by the way all the 9-11 "terrorists" came from) until they really started hating us on a broad basis.

All we can do is apologize to the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for calling him publicly a liar. No matter what he did or does otherwise - at least in this case he did more than our US Government has done in the last six years - he told the truth.