Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Burning the Quran – From one Extemist to another

There is no difference between so-called Christian or Muslim extremists. Both want the same: Violence against others in the name of the same GOD. And they either have a political agenda or are plain stupid. Burning the Quran requires a lot of both.

The Rev. Terry Jones, the "religious leader" of a church of 50. Yes, fifty. This would not be so bad, if there was intelligence or any kind of knowledge about the subject behind this action of burning something. Burning a book is in itself already an action of highest stupidity. If he would burn all the books he did not understand, he should start with the Bible. Christians do not burn books – or flags for that matter. Jones has proclaimed Islam as devil's religion – without ever having read it, has called on the people to burn a Quran on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States – which were very likely carried out by Christians for the benefit of VP Cheney’s Corporation. Jones says that he does not personally know any Muslims, he is a man who does not know where the Sharia law came from, and has apparently learned the little, if any, that he knows about Islam by watching YouTube videos.

The German poet Heinrich Heine already wrote in 1821: "Where they burn books, they will ultimately also burn people". He was right at that time, he was right – long after his death - about the Nazis who first burned the books and later the people. And we are at this starting point of violence against humanity again. This time in our own country.

Adding to this equation is that there is only one GOD. And one GOD means that there is only ONE. The Quran derives in large parts from Christian and Judean Writings. From the Torah and the Bible which have influenced Mohammad all his life and also during the creation of the Quran. Considering the fact that GOD is not a flawed individual but GOD, he is not jealous, or violent – (If you believe in Jesus Christ, how could you ever consider violence, lies or deception as an option in the first place? If you do, you are NOT a Christian – you are not Muslim either, because the Quran is actually a book of peace and Islam is a religion of peace!) he sent Jesus Christ to bring us this message of Non-violence. Christ as in Christian – you call yourself Christian, you subscribe to the message of Love, Peace and Understanding. Turning the other cheek is one of your duties being a Christian.

But back to the morons in Florida. Now there is one crazy person with a following of 50 probably equally disturbed and ignorant bystanders who wants to burn a book he does not even know to help reignite the hated of Muslim extremists who are just as stupid as his own flock, while the silent majority of peaceful Christians and Muslims is standing by in awe. How can this moron get so much attention? If you burn a book you don’t even know, you cannot set a signal. You just show that you are an idiot.

Talking about idiots, please allow me one more observation that is really stunning. Only in America Christians will follow a Mormon to crucify another Christian. I am talking about Glen Beck's crusade against the Christian Barack Obama. Please be aware that Glen Beck is a racist by design. Mormons think that Black people are black because GOD punished them for being bad. Mormon Glen Beck is using American Christians - admittedly not bright ones - to help his Mormon agenda to fight the Black guy. And everyone should be aware of the fact that Barack Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim.