Monday, August 27, 2012

Mormons are traditional Christians - Really?

I like Mormons. Mormons are usually really nice and friendly people. I like the Missionaries, because they dedicate a part of their lives to what they believe in and are on a mission that is not easy. Now I hear that Catholics support the Mormon Mitt Romney to become President of the United States with the statement that Mormonism is actually close to Catholicism and asked if the Mormon Faith was "Christian" they actually agree. Some Jewish Groups also believe that the Mormons are on the side of Israel.  Maybe we should have a look at the Mormon faith instead of following pure political ignorance. And this brief overview is not to discredit Mormons, but only to clarify some misconceptions that are out there.

Mormons believe in Jesus as a blond and blue eyed American, since he lived and performed his miracles in the US. They don't believe in Israel though, since they believe that everything that is in the Bible actually happened in the US, not anywhere near the Mediterranean area. And they have a very different view of Jesus as well.

Who are the Mormons? Are the Mormons the "real" Mormons who preached Polygamy since their founding by Joseph Smith in 1830, when he officially claimed that he found golden Plates and published the "Book of Mormon"? Are the real Mormons the ones who think that darker or black skinned people are black because their God punished them, marked and burned them for being bad? The modern Mormons "officially" changed that belief in the 1970's. Or are those the ones who believe that everything written in the Bible actually happened in "The Americas" and not in Israel. They believe that Jesus was white (Personally I refer to their depictions of Jesus as "the blonde guy") and that he was not necessarily the only savior. And the Mormon faith does not only operate on our own Planet. According to Mormon belief there are many worlds, and definitely more than one earth.

One important fact everyone should know is that the Mormons do not just change their interpretations. They change their whole belief system according to the times, laws and necessities of the moment. And they can do it legitimately, because every leader of the Mormon Church, called a prophet, is empowered to  change the current beliefs of the Mormon Church.

More information about the Mormon faith can be found here:

But wait, there is more... Mormon Leaders also claimed that Jesus Christ is only one of many Saviors: According to Joseph Fielding Smith: "We are not the only people that the Lord has created. We have brothers and sisters on other earths. They look like us because they, too, are the children of God and were created in his image, for they are also his offspring" (Doctrines of Salvation 1:62). Brigham Young taught: "Sin is upon every earth that ever was created ... Consequently every earth has its redeemer, and every earth has its tempter" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 14, p.71).

You will find more info about the differences between how Jesus is viewed by Mormons and the christian churches here:

In closing let me say, that I agree with several teachings of the Mormon faith that do not correspond with teachings of churches of the traditional faith. I know many Mormons, I respect them, I like them and I enjoy speaking with them. I welcome Missionaries in my house and I highly admire their commitment to their faith. But their belief is not close to the Christianity that we came to know in our traditional churches.

If you claim to follow Jesus, know his Word!

GOD is still not gaining any traction with the right wing christian fascists. While they still claim Jesus as their savior, their actions are without any doubt anti-christian.  Let's take a look at this statement: Jesus was on the side of the poor and wanted to help them in any situation, with all the power he had. The right wingers, even though they are mostly poor, despise the poor and support the rich. Even thought they have hardly any teeth, they oppose free governmental support to fix their dental mess. Let them eat soup.

At the same time they oppose the right to choose, to decide, to speak or to live for women, even though Jesus did help men and women alike, and betrothed the leadership of his church to Maria Magdalene and not to Peter.  Peter just ran with it. And he founded a church in the tradition of the Jewish faith.  Jesus never wanted a church that included anyone but the Jewish people. And he never sent the Apostles out to found this church. He told Paul who was as well Jewish, but also a Roman citizen, to found the church for the Gentiles.

And amazingly almost all Churches are straying from Jesus path. All we have to do is follow the commandments and Jesus' word as it is stated in the Gospel of Thomas (which you will find on our church's website) and copied from there into parts of the New Testament.

Oh, and to all you racists out there: Jesus was definitely not white. He was brown and Jewish. And he loved you as well. Just work a little bit on your view of the world. And if you pray to Jesus, at least know what he actually said and wanted. Don't trust your redneck, illiterate Pastor. Read the Bible.