Friday, September 12, 2008

GOD is everywhere you are!

Last night I received an Email from a young man who is worried about his future. I took all the information out of the letter that could reveal his identity and left the important parts, so he remains anonymous. GOD is giving him an opportunity to evaluate another culture and to learn about new things. And GOD will always be by his side. Here the letter:

I am a university student. I had applied for a study program scholarship at a University in an Arab Country. Their facilities and the quality of the education sounds very good and promising for my career. However, the most difficult thread for me is that it is in a Muslim country. I'm a true believer of Christ. Here I am active in Church youth ministry, enjoy my time in worshiping God, have a special time for Him, the main thing is that my relationship with God is alive. I have a freedom of developing my spiritual needs in my country.

However, suppose if later I'll be going to that Arab Country, I'm afraid if I cannot get a Church there, and I'm a afraid if my freedom of developing my spiritual needs (time for praying, worshiping God, etc) will be taken off. Please help me and share your ideas with me. This is a very difficult task for me to take a step on it.

I really wonder whether or not I should take that scholarship. More over, I have heard many news about the religion and culture there. Thanks...

Dear Student,

Our churches are not GOD. GOD is everywhere and he sends you and will keep on sending you to many places that will surprise you throughout your life. If you read one of my favorite quotes from the Gospel of Thomas: (77) Jesus said: I am the light that is over them all. I am the All; the All has come forth from me, and the All has attained unto me. Cleave a (piece of) wood: I am there. Raise up the stone, an ye shall find me there then you know that you do not need a church to be close to GOD. GOD and Jesus will be with you always, no matter where you are or what you do, and no church is necessary to communicate with GOD. I am sure GOD has special plans for you. You do not need a church to worship GOD, you do it in doing his will. Learning, teaching, helping people in following the example of Jesus Christ is not an easy road, but it is a very giving way to live your life and it is worship in itself.

I am sure that if this Arab country offers you a scholarship, they will also take care of your security there and your spiritual needs. Also: The Qur'an itself is religion of peace, just as the Bible (Muhammad based the Qur'an on the bible) and I am sure you will find many fruitful conversations and learn many new things about religion there (where the Christians also call GOD "Allah").

Careful: Be aware that some US companies try to lure people to the middle east under false pretenses to use them as slave labor (as Halliburton did with young people from Nepal, who ended up as slaves without money or the promised jobs. The "American Christians" from Halliburton took away their passports and used them as slaves). Those are so called "Christians" who are led to believe by US preachers that Jesus Christ does not care about people, wants America to start wars in spite of Jesus Christ's teachings and all of the commandments. They teach that all you have to do is to make money and give this money to them. Jesus Christ is love and understanding and he came to change the violent teachings of the Old Testament to the new teachings of Love (That is why the New Testament is NEW and the Old Testament is OLD - actually it is the history of the Jews and does not apply to us). Be aware of the "Christians" from the USA and be sure to remember Jesus Christ's message of love. Be sure to check the offer out thoroughly.

Please keep me posted about your path.
May GOD be with you always!

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