Thursday, June 12, 2008

Barack Obama is not a Muslim!

It is astounding how dumb and ignorant the hardcore followers of the Republican Party are. Even though they see that their personal President, who fixed the elections twice to gain and stay in office, devastated this US of A in a manner that our country is beyond recognition - hopefully not beyond repair, they never doubted that they have to support the successor as the leading puppet of the filthy rich, John McBush also known as John McCain.

It is tragic to see their inability to learn, to think or even attempt to be decent human beings. Their latest invention is the rumor that Barack Obama supposedly is a Moslem. First they got upset that Obama was a member of Rev. Wright's Church - who basically told the truth in too harsh words, but still, it is a Christian Church. And looking at the history of Black America, it is not surprising that the Reverend has problems to believe that GOD would bless our Country for torturing and oppressing our own people. I sincerely share his doubts that GOD condones what the religious or fiscal right is doing in and with our country. If you take the time to compare the commandments with their actions, you will understand why.

The truth and the fact is that Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim, he was not raised a Muslim either, he was NOT trained to be a terrorist at the tender age of two and he loves our United States of America. The puppeteers behind Bush and McCain only love the Big Money they can make from our blood. With all the lies and scares they threw and keep throwing at us, they believe they can still milk their home made 9-11. I don't think so. My America is made of sympathy and understanding - and an IQ that is significantly higher than the one of a lab rat.
GOD bless America and the people who defend her against the people who are trying to destroy her.

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