Saturday, February 23, 2008

Food for Thought: Zeitgeist Movie

A close friend asked me to check out an interesting source of information: where you can watch a movie for free that is obviously close enough to the truth that it has been deleted from Youtube and Google Video several times already. A measure that our US Government only takes when they are really serious about something.
And if you watch Zeitgeist Movie, you will receive a wealth of information to form your own opinion. On their website they offer links to all their sources. The only conclusion I have problems with is that they say that Jesus Christ did not exist. There is enough proof for his existence, as well as there is abundant proof for the fact that GOD created the world through evolution. Everything else in the movie, which also deals with 9-11, how the Federal Reserve - which is not federal, but a privately owned banking conglomerate - rules not only the US, how ID and tracking chips are supposed to control us in the future and much more.
So the movie is worth watching - especially in view of the US Government not wanting you to. They (our US Government) also made sure that Yahoo deleted and blocked a mail from the organization to their subscribers which contained updated material about 9-11 and the involvement of the US Government in the scam.
Together with the illegal wiretapping of citizens, Bush kissing the Saudis, other fabricated intelligence to enter the war and occupation of Iraq and almost a thousand lies, you should be at least worried and have a look at Zeitgeist Movie to see what they have to contribute to the truth.
Check it out. It is worth your while.

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