Friday, March 23, 2007

Bush is trying to create a God of War - Contractors still want more

As the only winners in Bush's Iraq war, Halliburton and other contractors have not satisfied their lust for money just as of yet. The President announced today that he will veto the bill which is supposed to bring our troops home, to stop the killing of our troops and Iraqi civilians and also to stop the spending - or better - handing over of our social security to Halliburton and other companies.

How can anyone keep killing Americans for no apparent reason, keep the Oil prices high as ever, despise an entire nation - ours with more than 70 percent IS opposed to the war, fire every intelligent opponent of his war in the military field and refer to the nitwit Yea-sayers he replaced them with, without having our nation stand up and tell him that he works for us, not we for him. Then he replaces all US attorneys who show that they have a backbone with his own spineless devout creatures. Hitler, who was by the way financed by our President's Grandfather, has laid the groundwork for the people behind George W. The attack on the judicial system is - as many other things - is modeled after a blueprint of the 1930's.

GOD is not the heathen GOD of war that the President, many Televangelists, Pastors and Priests try to make Him to serve their own agenda or to indulge their ignorance. The killing has to be stopped. GOD does NOT condone theft, lies or murder.

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