Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pope Benedict challenges Churches world wide

The Pope is the head of a Jewish Church and claims that his Catholic Church, which teaches GOD's message to the Jews and not to the Christians, is the only true church

According to a BBC report on July 10, 2007, Pope Benedict has approved a new text asserting that Christian denominations outside Roman Catholicism are not true Churches in the full sense of the word. The document, issued by a Vatican watchdog, has been criticised as offensive by some Protestants. The text was written by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Pope Benedict before his election as Pope. It states that Christ established only one Church here on earth. Other Christian denominations, it argues, cannot be called Churches in the proper sense because they cannot trace their bishops back to Christ's original apostles.

The argument Pope Benedict makes is typical for the catholic church which has committed unspeakable crimes, mostly crimes against GOD's word and the teachings of Jesus through the centuries and on orders of their "Bishops and Popes".

Martin Luther, who initially caused the true believers in GOD to turn away from the catholic church because of the criminal and blasphemic acts of the Catholic Church, criticized among other things the lies, deception, violation of GOD's law and the absolution for money in the church. So the Pope should be very quiet about other churches, that fortunately do not share this criminal history.

The Churches that follow the Apostle Paul ARE the real Churches of GOD, not only because they turned away from the crimes of the Catholic Church, but also because they are NOT built on an Apostle for the Jews (Peter and the other Apostles were sent to preach the Kingdom of GOD to the Jews, Paul is the Apostle who preaches the salvation for the Gentiles (non-Jews) and the Body of Christ) but on the Word of GOD for the Body of Christ (Jews and Gentiles who accept Jesus Christ as their savior) and simply because they were reformed Churches (see rightly dividing the Bible). On the other hand, many of these Churches also forgot GOD and violate Jesus Christ's Word in many aspects. So is it not enough to pay lip service to GOD's commandments and claim Jesus to be your savior - you also have to keep and live them as an example, if you are looking forward to salvation.

So it is ridiculous that Pope Benedict claims that the Catholic Church is the only true Church for the Christians. The Catholic Church is the Church for the Jews. Apostle Paul's Church, like our Church of Christian Reformation, is the true Church for the Christians, exactly as the Bible confirms.

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