Thursday, June 18, 2009

Truth and Revolution

Hypocrisy – one of the very things Jesus Christ fought against – is the mainstay of the right wing Christian fascists and their Republican representatives.  The ones that fight against gays turn out to be gay, the ones that condemn adultery are caught one by one being adulterers themselves, as the recent case of Nevada Republican Senator Ensign proved again.  Another interesting development is IRAN, where we can see how the change of the political climate changes the inner politics of a country.  Since W. and his boss Dick Cheney are gone and the US are not trying to start another unnecessary war in the Middle East, the enemy that the Iranian regime could use as a unifying factor for their people to distract from reality is gone. Now the Iranians have time to think about their situation and they decided that it is bad. With President Obama not getting involved and declaring so, the Iranians are taking matters in their own hands.  It looks like we will see the next Revolution, much like we did 1979. And the US is not involved this time, so Iran might become the country their people want and not another dictatorship created by the US, like Saddam Hussein was, whose power was solely by grace of the CIA and the US.

Jesus Christ is under attack. Open minded Christians see the facts that many of Jesus Christ’s attributes were merely copied from the Egyptian God Horus and many others whose mystical status much depends on virgin birth, violent death and resurrection.  Some people come to the conclusion that is why Jesus Christ has never lived, which is being concluded in the Zeitgeist movie that I have recommended and still recommend, because their facts are correct, just their conclusions are subject to serious doubt. So please watch the Zeitgeist Movie and the Addendum – both available for free download at and with your own thoughts and my help, you will reach the right conclusion yourself.

I know GOD is. I believe Jesus Christ lived. He is GOD’s son and he has a special place in the history of Faith. We are all GOD’s children and created in his image. Jesus Christ’s message created the basis for our Christian belief. He died on the cross for our sins, so we are not born in sin. He is the messenger and the message for us Christians. Jesus Christ stands for the new, changed message from GOD: No more hate, now the message is LOVE.  And that is what Jesus Christ is about.  Jesus sent the apostles only to the Jews. With little success. Only the Catholic Church was “founded on Peter”, who was actually the messenger to the Jews, and hence the pope is basically the leader of a Jewish Church.

So Jesus Christ recruited Paul as his messenger to the Gentiles. They actually embraced and listened to the message, but many obviously misunderstood what it was about. Martin Luther criticized the Catholic Church for their hypocrisy and started the Christian revolution that led to the founding of the Protestant church and subsequently to the founding of many so called ‘Christian’ churches.

Being Christian means actually following Jesus Christ’s words and message.  Whoever does not do this, has not right to call him or herself Christian. The worst example of such churches are many so called Christian Churches in the US. They preach violence and war, and their sole goal is to extort money from their congregation. And they do this with surprisingly great success.  As surprisingly as this fact is the fact that their victims – or congregation, as they call them - obviously never read the bible.  All you have to do is PICK UP A BIBLE AND READ it. If you do, you see the context of the quotes your pastors present to you and you will see that almost everything they tell you is a lie.  So please read.  Let me make this clear. Jesus Christ came to change the message. So the Old Testament is out.  Read the New Testament to have the background to understand Paul.  The writings of Paul are for us. Nothing else, because even Jesus Christ is only speaking to the Jews. Another reading suggestion is the Gospel of Thomas, older than any of the other Gospels, and it has not been edited through the ages.  It contains only quotes from Jesus himself and you will find many of them in the known Gospels, so you know where Matthew, Mark Luke, and John got them from.  We know that the Bible has been compiled and edited to the taste of the Dictators through the centuries, so the Gospel of Thomas is one of the few scriptures that are actually pure and the untainted word of GOD.